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Construct 2 Beta R140

La version r140 est sortie, au programme de cette nouvelle release :

– Le debuggeur

Permet de surveiller la gestion des ressources, il est possible de faire pause,  resume, sauvegarder un état, le charger, relancer le jeu… Pour le lancer faire CTRL+F5 ou par clic droit sur le layout ou le projet dans la barre Project.

– Nouvel Export vers l’appstore Amazon





Export to Amazon Appstore


Bookmarks bar: now includes some comment text for bookmarked comments, and the included sheet name for bookmarked includes


Line of sight behavior: now also mirrors cone of view if object is mirrored


Platform behavior: is now less likely to « snap » the player to the top of a jump-thru when falling in to its side

Bug Fix

Event sheet view: possible crash undoing after ‘Replace object’

Bug Fix

Layout view: possible crash when displaying grid

Bug Fix

Touch: workaround for bug in stock Android browser where touch end events would fire twice

Bug Fix

System: ‘Pick by evaluate’ and ‘Pick by comparison’ did not work correctly with containers

Bug Fix

Image editor: resize with ‘align center’ did not always center the image properly

Bug Fix

Javascript error saving the game when a physics behavior had been disabled

Bug Fix

Turret behavior: ‘Acquire target’ action did not work

Bug Fix

System: ‘Is overlapping point’ condition did not work in OR blocks


CocoonJS: now includes CocoonJS_App_ForCocoonJS.js in exported projects so plugins can use it


New getDebuggerValues SDK function to support debugger in third party plugins and behaviors (a new SDK update will be released shortly)

Lien de la Release